Keep your mouth healthy at home.

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. In fact, it’s even harder than steel. كوتشينة بالانجليزي

Despite that, however, it can still be damaged. For one thing, acids can easily attack and soften the surface, which can result in cavities.

Gum disease is relatively common as well. According to the CDC, it affects half of all adults in the United States.

Given that, it’s crucial that you practice good oral hygiene; it’s not something that you want to ignore.

Why is oral hygiene important?

Your oral hygiene can have an impact on your overall health. Take gingivitis, for example—it’s a type of gum disease that occurs when bacteria accumulates on the teeth.

Left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, which is a serious infection that affects the inner layer of the gums and the tissues and bone supporting your teeth. Symptoms including bleeding gums, receding gums, and in some cases, tooth loss.

Over time, the bacteria can also travel to your major organs, which can increase your risk of certain health problems. For example, those with periodontitis are at a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

So we’re sharing some dental health essentials that will keep your teeth and gums healthy!

10 Tips For Healthy Teeth and Gums

Fortunately, gingivitis and periodontitis can be avoided with good oral hygiene habits. That’s why it’s so important to take good care of your teeth and gums (having a good relationship with your dentist doesn’t hurt either!).

Here are a few things that you might want to consider.

1. Use a fluoride toothpaste.

Toothpastes are not all the same. Ideally, you want to use one that contains fluoride. A naturally-occurring mineral, it’s used in many dental products to prevent cavities.

In addition to that, it’ll also strengthen the enamel so that it’s more protected against acids. For the best results, brush at least twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste. قوانين البلاك جاك

2. Remember to floss every day.

Flossing is not something that you want to ignore. If anything, it’s just as important as brushing your teeth; it allows you to clean the areas that your toothbrush can’t reach. In doing so, you’ll be able to prevent plaque and tartar buildup.

As a general rule, you want to floss at least once a day. Avoid flossing too hard, though, as it can hurt your gums!

3. Avoid sugary and acidic foods.

Limit your intake of sugary foods. The sugar feed the bacteria camped out in your mouth. As the bacteria feast on the sugar, the byproducts from that process produces acids that’ll wear away the enamel, which will make your teeth more vulnerable to cavities.

Similarly, you want to avoid acidic beverages such as soda and carbonated beverages. At the very least, rinse your mouth with water afterward. Avoid brushing your teeth right away as it can actually do more harm than good!

4. Encourage good oral hygiene habits from an early age.

It’s important to establish good oral habits early on. It’ll help your child develop a good dental routine that’ll serve them a lifetime.

Given that most children aren’t intrinsically motivated to brush their teeth, you might want to make it a rewarding activity. For example, you can present them with a sticker once they’re finished brushing.

5. Visit the dentist regularly.

Make an effort to visit the dentist once every six months. Not only will they be able to remove tartar from your teeth, but they’ll also be able to check for signs of cavities, gum disease, and other issues.

As for children, you want to bring them to the dentist as soon as their first tooth erupts (no later than their first birthday). The sooner the visit, the healthier their mouths will be.

If you’ve missed an appointment due to the temporary closing of your dentist’s office, then plan to schedule one as soon as possible to get back on track. Get the most professional assistance from the best dentist Omaha.

6. Use the right brushing technique.

Brushing your teeth isn’t difficult, but there is a proper way to do it. Start by placing your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth.

Move the toothbrush in a gentle, circular motion. Clean every surface of every tooth—don’t forget the back of your teeth! The whole process should take at least two minutes.

Avoid brushing too hard as it can be detrimental to your teeth and gums. مستضيف يورو 2024

7. Use a mouthwash.

Mouthwash is not only great for controlling bad breath, but it can also help reduce cavities. While it doesn’t replace brushing or flossing, it can be effective if used in conjunction with good oral habits.

Also called an oral rinse, it usually contains an antiseptic that kills the harmful bacteria that live between the crevices of your teeth.

Online Video Advertising Guide: How to Use Video to Drive Business Results

Not too long ago, digital video was a nice-to-have and most of our video viewing happened via traditional, linear TV. Now, digital video is part of our daily lives. We’re watching video content for many hours a week on our phones, our laptops and tablets, and our smart TVs and streaming devices—and this has caught the attention of marketers across the world.

The average video consumption per week increased 85% from 2016 to 2020, according to Limelight’s State of Online Video 2020 report. Consumers watched nearly eight hours of online video per week in 2020. ivermectin health canada 1

This upward trend has driven marketers to invest more in building video ad campaigns to reach consumers where they’re spending more of their time.

At Criteo, we surveyed more than 1,000 senior marketing executives around the world—including those in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and India—and half confirmed that more than 20% of their digital marketing budget was spent on paid video in 2020. More than a third (34%) said their paid video budget is likely to increase in 2021.2

Online video (OLV) advertising is an engaging ad format commonly used for broad brand awareness campaigns, but it’s also becoming accepted as a performance solution with the use of new features and full-funnel measurement. As consumers experience digital fatigue and their attention spans become even shorter, video ads can capture their attention across every channel and device they use and drive them through the path to purchase.

In this guide, we have five rules to follow to build the most effective OLV advertising strategy as well as video ad examples for every stage of the customer journey.

Rules for Online Video Ad Campaigns  

At a time when marketers are under more pressure to prove ROI and deliver business results like sales and revenue, building the most effective ad campaigns has never been more important.

The same applies to online video advertising. It’s possible to drive these business outcomes if video campaigns are executed and measured correctly.

Follow these five rules to build a powerful OLV advertising strategy that meets your business goals, get the most professional assistance on these Broadcast advertising promos.

Create a Commerce Media Strategy

Commerce media is an approach to digital advertising that combines commerce data and intelligence to target consumers throughout their shopping journey and help marketers and media owners drive commerce outcomes (sales, revenue, leads).

To build a commerce media strategy for video, marketers and agencies must launch video ad campaigns that drive new customers from discovery to their first purchase…

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Conversion

…as well as campaigns that drive existing customers to discover more products or services and become repeat buyers and loyal customers…

  1. Consideration
  2. Conversion
  3. Loyalty

All of these campaigns should ideally be running at the same time through the same technology partner to drive audiences from one stage of the customer journey to the next. This also gives marketers the ability to track audiences from their initial video exposure to click and conversion. para q sirve ivermectina gotas

As the customer journey becomes increasingly digital and the lines blur between shopping and other digital activities, the time between brand discovery and conversion is shrinking. Marketers with active online video campaigns for every stage of the purchase funnel are more likely to make a lasting impression on consumers across touchpoints and influence those rapid purchase decisions. where to buy ivermectin for scabies uk

I, like many other people have been challenged this past week with the way Facebook has changed its layout and styling – yet again. It made me think about the way this change was managed and I started to think about the way this reflected upon my experience of change and managing it! Read more

I always consider the words destructor and destroy from which it is derived, as extremely emotive words and evocative of violence and physical threat. Now I’m not suggesting that change saboteurs are about to go through several rounds in a boxing ring with you, but you may well feel that you have expended an equivalent amount of energy after engagement. Read more

If only it was as easy as saying “resistance is futile” [Star Trek fans will be familiar with this phrase]. This is the group of change recipients I personally find the most challenging to work with, and that phrase is just about the epitome of describing how these people frustrate me – they don’t want to work with you on anything about the change event! Read more

These people are the change reactors are like the best. I know you shouldn’t have favourites, but these are the people I like to deal with the most when introducing any change to a business.

I’ll talk you through their typical reactions to change. Read more

A resume is more than just a list of job roles, qualifications, and skills. It’s a sales document, highlighting your achievements in a way that recruiters, hiring managers, and future mentors can appreciate. It’s also a tool for getting past the applicant tracking systems, the software programs that 99% of the biggest companies use to evaluate resumes.1

Whether you’re writing your first resume or polishing your mid-career one, these tips will help you create a document that persuades employers to get to know you better. Get in contact for the most professional Skillmil resume writing services.

Here’s how to create a resume that will help you land an interview.

Include the Right Information

woman holding pen over resume application with smart phone and using computer laptop to job search on online internet. applying for a job concept.
Jirapong Manustrong / Getty Images

Every resume should include some basic information, including your contact details, work experience, job skills, and education and training. Depending on the job, industry, and your qualifications, you may also choose to include optional sections such as an objective, a resume profile, volunteer work or hobbies, GPA and honors, etc.

  • Guidelines for What to Include in a Resume
  • How to Include Your Contact Information on Your Resume
  • How to Write a Resume Profile

Pick a Resume Format

indian man with laptop working at home office
dolgachov / Getty Images

 Depending on your personal and professional circumstances, you’ll probably want to choose a chronological, functional, or combination resume.

Decide which type best fits your work experience, educational background, and skill set.

  • Resume Formats: Types of Resumes (With Examples)
  • Will a Creative Resume Get You Hired?
  • How to Apply for Jobs Online

Review Templates and Samples

Peter Dazeley / Photographer’s Choice / Getty Images

Using a resume template can help you organize your experience and qualifications. Look for resume samples for your specific industry, job title, or interest.

Be sure to customize your document for your experience and for each position. If you stick too closely to these samples, you’ll wind up with a generic resume that will do nothing to highlight your skills.

Match Your Qualifications to the Job

Close up of gold and silver puzzle pieces
Eekhoff Picture Lab / Getty Images

A good resume highlights the skills and qualifications you have that will be most appealing to the hiring manager. It’s not a complete work history or professional biography. To figure out what to include—and what to cut—analyze the job listing. Pay careful attention to how the employer describes the skills, experience, and responsibilities required for the role.

Whenever a change activity is announced there are four ways that people can react to the news.

  1. Enthusiastic
  2. Accepting
  3. Resistant
  4. Destructive or Saboteur

There may be other variances upon these reactions and some others that people will notice, but I see these are the four types of change reactions from people. So what does each mean, and how can you recognise them? Learn more about exipure benefits. Read more

Change Management properly focuses on the people of the business experiencing change. That is ensuring they are ready for the change and in the right mindset for change. The mindset is an interesting area to examine. Read more